Rough Drafts

How I Overcame Procrastination and Finally Started a Blog

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Before you leave, outraged by the clickbait-y title and the casual simplicity of this two-word answer, allow me to explain.

The reason why I didn't start a blog in the last five years? Simple: I liked to fantasize about starting more than I liked putting in the work. Everytime I daydreamed about writing, I felt great. Staring down the blank page, on the other hand, didn't feel great. To be honest, deep down, we all know why we don't start stuff. How many more posts on avoidance and procrastination can we stomach, really?

So, what changed? Well, I could tell you how I made a list of all the lies I'm telling myself on why I can't start a blog yet and worked through it. ("I need a custom design, and a logo, and a cool domain blah-blah-blah.") But I didn't. I just sat down and thought: What's the first step?

Simple: go to any blogging platform, create an account, and publish your first post (preferrably one with a clickbait-y title, so you start off on a high-note).

Again, deep down, we all know how to do this. This isn't some revolutionary method. I don't need to craft a shitty cohort-based course around it.

And yet, as simple as this is, it sure ain't easy.

But it's doable. Sometimes all we need is a spark. Just one push in the right direction. Here's yours: Pick something you have put off for a while, think about the first step to get started, and do it. Now.

Even if the first step sucks. I mean, look at this trainwreck of a blog post. However, if all goes well, you might get started on something cool. And then, when someone asks you "How'd you do that?", maybe you can point to this first step and say:

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